Whenever there is a booming industry, there are people who will see an opportunity to make a quick buck or two at the expense of the customer. As the LED lighting industry in Australia continues to boom, we want to advise people that want to invest in LED supplies to err on the side of caution when choosing a supply.

Naturally, price wars will occur and lure people into making a choice based on the lowest pricing. LEDified believes in providing value. When it is possible, we aim to give customers the lowest pricing, but not at the expense of providing a poor quality product or service to the customer, which will cost them more in the long-run.

Here are a few things that you should look out for when choosing your LED light supplies.

Check the quality of the LED light bulb.

You just need to do a quick search on eBay to find several suppliers that offer LED lights at a low pricing. Typically, these are imported from countries like China where the safety regulations aren’t as stringent as in Australia. As a result, some of the bulbs are ‘unsafe for installation’ and can become a potential fire hazard or cause structural damage to your property, which will cost far more in maintenance and repairs over the long-run.

Check the compliance labelling of the light bulb and assess the risk of the device before having it installed in your property.

LEDified manufactures all of their lights and they comply with Australian regulations, so you know that you will be using a luminaire that is high in quality and safe for your property.

LEDified does this by carrying out a 40 point check on every batch of products that gets produced. After the supplier qualification process, LEDified’s suppliers are subject to regular audits to ensure that all LEDified products are compliant with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (AMCA).

Trying to save money doing a DIY service could cost you more in the long-run.

Many people that opt for the DIY option save themselves money in the short-term, but it can easily turn into a very expensive investment in the long-term if things go wrong.

LEDified’s installation team can provide a full service installation at no extra cost. The service includes:

  • Assessing the existing lights in the property.
  • Recommending the appropriate LED lights
  • Installing the right transformer to maximise the LED efficiency.
  • Have a 3 year warranty on all parts and labour.
  • Receive a Certificate of Electrical safety upon finishing the work.

You can read more on LEDified’s installation process here.

LEDified is in the business of providing value, not quick sales. So we want to make sure that you invest in LED lighting products and services that will save you money and hassle over the long-term. Why not get in touch with one of our specialists today!